Welcome to the fourth, and final, lesson on melodic patterns. If you’ve worked through the previous lessons, then you’ll know that we’ve looked at the following melodic patterns…
In this guitar lesson we’re going to finish things off by taking a look at ascending fours applied to the natural minor scale. But before we look at the exercise, let’s take a look at the scale that we’ll use for this lesson…
The Scale Fingering
In this lesson we’re going to apply the melodic pattern to the first three-note-per-string fingering of the C Natural Minor scale…
Once you can play this fingering, and have memorised the notes of the scale, then you’re ready to get started with the exercise…
Natural Minor Melodic Pattern Exercise 2:
Analysing The Melodic Pattern
Although I told you at the start of the lesson that we’ll be looking at ascending fours, it’s still a good idea to analyse the exercise. That way you can double-check that I’m not lying to you. 🙂 So here’s the exercise with the notes written above the TAB…
As you can see, the ascending fours pattern is used for the entire exercise apart from the very last note. I ended the exercise on the C note because I like the sound of it. But you’re free to leave it out, or choose another ending note, if you want to.
Practising The Melodic Pattern
Now it’s time for the fun stuff. Here’s the exercise written out with the picking directions and fingering included. This is exactly how I play the exercise on the video, but if you want to play it using a different method, then that’s cool also. The melodic pattern is what’s important—not the specific technical approach that you use to play it.
A Few Last Words
I hope you’ve enjoyed the lessons on melodic patterns. It’s now time to put some serious work into them. What I recommend doing is to take every scale fingering that you know and, over time, learn to play them using all four of the melodic patterns that we’ve looked at. This could take a long time, and a lot of effort. But it will definitely help you a lot.
Have fun, and work hard!
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